Lapsarian Theories: A Helpful Chart

“Are you supralapsarian or infralapsarian?” This question is one of those unique questions that indicates that someone has been reading something about or from the Reformed Scholastics (i.e., those from the second half of the sixteenth century through the end of the seventeenth), or, perhaps, they have recently been taking a course in theology. Because this is not a common topic of theological conversation, it can be confusing the first time people encounter it (and for a long time afterward). When I find students wrestling with understanding the conversation, I find they are often helped by a chart put together by B. B. Warfield at the end of his first chapter of Plan of Salvation.

I recently had a conversation with some church members who were trying to think through these concepts, so I went digging around for the chart. I think I just realized that there’s not really an easily accessible copy of the chart online (through a simple “Google search”), and the Monergism edition of Plan of Salvation has removed the chart. (There are some images of the chart, but not printable copies that I found quickly through a search). So, I took to Word and recreated the chart here. I don’t really have space on the page to have a footnote or anything like that on it, so if you decide to distribute it, please make some reference to B. B. Warfield, The Plan of Salvation: Five Lectures (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Education, 1915), p. 33.

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