Resurrection Hope Study Guide by Mitch Chase

A few months ago, a group of ladies and I went through Mitch Chase’s Resurrection Hope. For that study, I developed study questions that were to be read before and after each chapter. Two things commend the book. First, and most obvious, the book gives an introduction to the doctrine of the resurrection in a biblical theological manner. Second, though, it helps you understand how to read the Bible better. I’m sharing these study questions because I think they will help you as you read his book, and together with the book, they will help you learn how to read the Bible. The study guide can be used in a group (as we did) or they can just be used individually. I found the book helpful enough to include as our church’s current “featured book” (our church has a book table that we put a new book on every month and a half or so; the books are half off the purchase price).